Gangsta Hamas
[Originally appeared in the Jerusalem Pos t ] “ Hamas issues ultimatum to Israel: Give us $8 million by Tuesday” screams a 17 October 2021 headline from the Arabic al-Ain newspaper. The money, Hamas says, is to pay its members' salaries. And this is only one of several demands issued. Before and during the May 2021 conflicts Hamas has repeatedly violated international law (firing missiles into civilian areas, firing missiles from civilian areas, and using civilians as human shields). As reported by the BBC (12 August 2021), this time, even the left-wing anti-Israel NGO Human Rights Watch had to admit Hamas’ war crimes. Thus, confirming Hamas’ position as a terrorist organization. The United States, the European Union (representing 27 countries), the Organization of American States (a coalition of 35 countries), and other countries worldwide have designated Hamas as a terrorist organization. However, there is another angle to this story. And if it sounds familiar, perha...