Reset Israeli Policing Priorities

Appeared in The Jerusalem Post 4-June-2023 Although Israel might be a small in area, it’s an extremely diverse country in geography, population ethnicity, and religious persuasion. Therefore, the priorities and responses to our local needs from elected officials and our police force should reflect this. Some areas of the country encounter rampant car thefts. Other areas confront tacitly condoned domestic violence on a daily basis. Some cities, as well as Arab towns and Bedouin villages are plagued with organized crime. Big city problems may be similar but may have different levels of emphasis as those facing most rural areas, including yeshuvim and kibbutzim . Let’s look at two situations that set an example. It might not be as exciting or sexy as other areas of law enforcement, but Traffic Control is something we confront every day. The lack of enforcement of traffic laws affects our personal safety, blocks access for emergency vehicles, and impacts our overall...