Oppressed or Oppressor?
Also appeared on my Times of Israel blog. It is important to note that people who hope to encourage extremism depend upon the political ignorance of their audiences. Many pro-Hamas/pro-Palestinian demonstrators say that their activism is rooted in a deeply held conviction that the world is divided between the oppressed and their oppressors. And they firmly believe that Israel is the oppressor. In a recent Wall Street Journal article entitled “ From Which River to Which Sea? ” Professor Ron E. Hassner points out that college students don’t understand, yet agree with the slogan, “From the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.” However, Professor Hassner hired a survey firm to poll students from a variety of backgrounds across the U.S. Once they learned a handful of basic facts about the Middle East geography, history, or demography, nearly seventy percent of those students went from supporting “from the river to sea” to rejecting it. Many of the demonstra...