31 Words That Will Keep Us United

"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one Nation under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” 

Just thirty-one words. Yet full of foundational meaning to every American, regardless of one’s personal place on the political spectrum.

The first part of the pledge obviously identifies who we are pledging our allegiance to. However, this personal declaration is important to make. By clearly stating it in the first person, it allows us to be part of the whole while maintaining our individuality.

The second part of the pledge defines what beautiful and meaningful and impactful ideals we are pledging our allegiance to.

One Nation.” We are a diverse nation of immigrants and natives. Yet we pledge ourselves to be part of one nation. The personal start of the pledge still allows us to maintain and be proud of our individual heritage and/or religious beliefs through the inclusion of the phrase “under God,” but we pledge ourselves to be one nation, as the pledge continues “indivisible.” We are allowed to be individuals, but we must be united together as one nation.

The pledge goes on to reinforce the driving concept of our key founding documents (Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and Bill of Rights) that our one indivisible nation means it must provide “liberty and justice for all.”

The Republic, which our flag represents, is a nation of laws. And to be one nation, we are all equal under those laws. Regardless of political or religious persuasion.

We’ve just commemorated Flag Day and will soon celebrate Independence Day. Isn’t it time to bring the Pledge of Allegiance back to forefront of both usage and discussion? With all the divisiveness that surrounds us today, sincere repetition of this concise and inspiring pledge will reinforce our American ideals and our sense of unity.

As a former marketing executive, I know the value of repetition in driving home an advertising message. Perhaps the Pledge of Allegiance should be added to sporting events and other public gatherings and not just be kept in elementary school classrooms. It seems we adults need to re-learn its message of unity and individuality.


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