Collecting dust: Letters to the Editor February 22, 2023

 A Letter to the Editors of the Jerusalem Post post in reply to my article:


I would like to commend David Levine for his insightful article “How to fix a broken medical system” (February 19). The subject of the shortage of health professionals is terribly painful.

I have no doubts that Mr. Levine is correct in his analysis. It’s all about money.

Although he is very vividly presenting the problem as it appears to the general population, an in-depth study for the Health Ministry has been made by a commission headed by Prof. Ronni Gamzu, recommending the steps needed to fix the grave problems of shortage.

Unless the government would implement a system such as the one suggested by Mr. Levine to issue municipal bonds to fund these expensive initiatives, I am afraid that Prof. Gamzu’s recommendations will end up like so many recommendations made by the state comptroller, collecting dust.

My big question is, why aren’t we all demonstrating and shouting to our politicians: “Enough with a substandard health system!”

After all, health is a subject that is dear to us all, from Right to Left.



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