FREE Download -- New book launch: Hey Israel You're Perfect. Now Change!

Hey Israel You're Perfect. Now Change!
New book launch: Amazon (I wanted to give it away for free but these are minimums required by Amazon.) 

So, here is a free download of the book. Please download and pass it (or the link: on.

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Book description: 


Israel has grown into a world power in an unbelievably short period of time despite constantly fighting for its survival against much larger odds on the geo-political stage and in actual warfare.


Doing the “nation building” thing was important (and successful),but it was done quickly and with just enough for that which was necessary.


Israel must now take a hard look inward and address infrastructure needs resulting from its miraculous national and rapid success.


This short book can be seen as just a cranky old man (the author) complaining. The difference is, I don’t just complain. I actually do offer solutions. Agree or disagree, they are reasonable starting points to solve problems commonly incurred in ordinary Israeli daily life.


Please build on some of the solutions proposed with your own ideas. Make Israel a first-world country both on the world stage and in our own local neighborhood.




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