Terrorism Problem. Solution Offered.

Appeared on Israel National News Artuz Sheva 20 July 2023


Every missile attack by Hamas, or its affiliates, on Israel (4,300 in May of 2021, 1,100 in August 2022, 1,468 in May 2023) constitutes a double violation of the Geneva Convention (specifically that it is  forbidden, and a war crime, to store and fire weapons from civilian areas and conduct attacks on civilians). Additionally, each knife, shooting, stabbing, and stoning attacks on civilian men, women, the elderly, and children, are also in direct violation of Geneva convention protocols and international laws.


Of the thousands of missiles fired by Hamas into Israel, some fall into open areas and the Mediterranean Sea but approximately 15% fall back into Gaza itself, harming and killing their own people. Certainly, this is a “crime against humanity” perpetrated by Hamas, against innocent Gazans.


Hamas continues to totally control the citizens of Gaza with a cruel and dictatorial rule. Hamas teaches children to kidnap and kill (a direct violation of UN Resolution 1612 Child Abuse). Even though Israel bears the brunt of rocket and terrorist attacks on innocent civilians, it must be remembered that Hamas practices a form of Islam that considers every religion (Jew or Christian) to be beneath theirs (Quran, 9:5).


Hamas is designated as a terrorist organization by The United States, Canada, United Kingdom, The European Union (27 countries), Japan, Paraguay, New Zealand, and the Organization of American States (35 countries). Hamas is even banned in Jordan (Wikipedia).


Besides being acknowledged globally as a terrorist organization, Hamas is also an international criminal organization. Additionally, Hamas, Hezbollah, and affiliates are proxies of Iran, which despite many sanctions against it, continues to export terror.


Regardless of one’s personal or political position towards the State of Israel, it cannot be denied that Israel is a democracy that operates on the basis of laws and an open electoral process, unlike Hamas, Hezbollah, Iran, the Palestinian Authority, and other Arab countries. The PA has not had an election since Mahmud Abbas was elected in January 2005 for a four-year term, eighteen and a half years ago.


So, what can be done to solve this international terrorist and criminal problem that is being exacerbated and manipulated by Iran? Who is out there on the world stage, empowered by the international community, to do something about this?


The United Nations’ Charter (Article 93, paragraph 2) states that nonmembers (like Hamas) may become parties to the Statute of the Court determined by the General Assembly upon the recommendation of the Security Council. This implies that positive action in protecting the citizens of Gaza can be taken by the UN.


NATO “not only helps to defend the territory of its members, but also engages where possible and when necessary to project its values further afield, prevent and manage crises, stabilise [sic] post-conflict situations and support reconstruction” (NATO’s website).


The Arab League, founded in 1945, now has 22 members. The League’s mission is to facilitate political, economic, cultural, scientific, military, and social programs designed to promote the interests of the Arab world. Is not the welfare of the Arabs in Gaza, who are under the brutal rule of Hamas, the Arab League’s concern, too?


What to do about an evil gang that employs terror tactics upon innocent civilians of a neighboring sovereign country and their own people? Here is an idea.


The “mandate” system was established by Article 22 of the Covenant of the League of Nations, drafted by the victors of World War I. The article referred to territories that were no longer ruled by their previous sovereign, where their peoples were not considered "able to stand by themselves under the strenuous conditions of the modern world". The Article called for such people to be "entrusted to advanced nations who by reason of their resources, their experience or their geographical position can best undertake this responsibility" (Wikipedia). Sounds like Gaza since Hamas took over, right?


In the UN context, a “mandate” refers to the decision that gives a body the authority to carry out its functions. One example is the establishment of a peacekeeping mission and enumeration of the types of activities to be carried out by the mission (UN’s website).


Perhaps one or more of the afore-mentioned multi-nation organizations, all formed for the purpose of benevolence towards those suffering and in need, could come to the aid of the Gazan people. Take over Gaza, by force, if necessary (in the name of bringing the Hamas leadership to answer for their crimes against humanity). Then put in place a “Mandate for Gaza” to create a more humane local governmental system and help build a country of prosperity and safety for its innocent and helpless citizens.


Once proper educational and governmental foundations are in place, the “Mandate for Gaza” would be dissolved, and the new democratic government of Gaza could be welcomed into the international community.


If the international organizations, and countries of the world, dedicated to defense and world peace, take action, other despots will likely sit up and take notice.


Hamas, and their ilk (Hezbollah, PA, Islamic Jihad, etc.), are getting stronger and bolder. These terrorist organizations, supported by Iran, will benefit if Iran obtains nuclear weapons. The time to employ a comprehensive proactive solution, such as a mandate, is now.


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