This is Britain’s antisemitic moment

 [Note: Submitted but unpublished]


Dear Editor of the London Times:

Mr. Anthony Julius’ article (This is Britain’s antisemitic moment November 5, 2023) is thought provoking. His conclusions are both correct and alarming. However, he is incorrect in espousing that there are “a few anti-Zionisms.”

His refers to an “internal” version might allude to those Jews who were (and some still are) waiting for the Mesiah to lead them home to Israel. Yet “the Arab versions, opposing Jewish statehood in any part of what was then called Palestine,” most definitely did not “exhausted themselves when Israel was established.”

Their goal has been no Jewish sovereignty since the Balfour Document (1917) to the rejection of the 1947 Partition Plan, and the many wars that followed (1956, 1967, 1983, etc.).

The “Palestine Liberation Movement” was an Arab (and Russian) creation in the mid-1960’s as another weapon against Zionism. Its objective is not to create “a Palestinian state alongside Israel” but it is a strategy to replace it. Their tactic is murder of innocents through terrorism.

The proof (to name but a few): their charters, the words and writings of their leaders, and the refusal to accept multiple offerings of statehood.

Anti-Zionism has moved from no Jewish sovereignty, only Arab rule, and placing all others as dhimmi (discriminated people under Islamic rule who are not Muslims) to outright genocide.

The words spoken, slogans chanted, and signage carried at pro-Palestine demonstrations that have occurred in London and elsewhere since the October 7 Hamas-Israel war are blatantly genocidal and are also probably criminal under “incitement to violence” laws.

Anti-Zionism equals Anti-Jewish Sovereignty equals Anti-Semitism. Period.


David S. Levine
Ashkelon, Israel


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