The UN-PA Resolution is the Straw That Broke the Camel’s Back

 As appeared on the Times of Israel Blogs and updated for Arutz Sheva/Israel National News.

The almost routine action of the United Nations condemning Israel and inaction of not condemning Hamas, Hezbollah, or their puppet-master Iran for its heinous and barbaric terrorism, has been going on for decades. But the recent Palestinian Authority’s UN resolution is the straw that broke the camel’s back. This resolution, and its list of sponsors and supporters, is a perfect example of taqiyya, an Islamic concept that allows lying to confound and defeat enemies through deception.

Three of the four Arab countries, who are signatories to the Abraham Accords, which are bilateral agreements on Arab-Israeli normalization, are among the sponsors of this anti-Israel resolution. Yet all four voted for the PA resolution. This dichotomous behavior is not surprising. If one looks back to the Oslo Peace Accords (a set of agreements between Israel and the terrorist Palestine Liberation Organization that established a peace process) one will see that shortly after signing the accords, Arafat gave a speech on May 10, 1994, in a mosque in Johannesburg, where he referenced taqiyya and called for a jihad (read: destroy Israel and kill the Jews). He suggested that his signing of the peace accords with Israel was only a tactical step that could be reversed.

By the PA re-stating the “advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice, rendered on 19 July 2024,” the resolution’s text contains one unfounded, twisted untruth after the other. In the interest of space, here are just a few: 

  • Israel’s “Regime.” A ‘regime’ is an authoritarian government. Israel is a parliamentary democracy, while the originating sponsor of this resolution (PA) president is now in his 19th year of a 4-year term.

  •   “Israel’s continued presence in the Occupied Palestinian Territory is unlawful.”

o   Palestinian territory cannot be “occupied” by Israel for a number of reasons. Historically, the name “Palestine” comes from when the Roman Emperor Hadrian renamed the Kingdom of Israel in 135 CE, after the Philistines, who disappeared 750 years earlier, in an effort to try and eradicate the name of the Jewish nation. Therefore, Jews are actually the true Palestinians. (Can you say, “cultural appropriation?”)

o   More recently, UN resolution 181 (Nov 1947) divided a remaining portion of the Mandate for Palestine; one portion of the land for the Jews and one portion for the Arabs (no mention of “Palestinians”). The Jews said yes to the partition, but the Arabs said no and immediately attacked the nascent state of Israel to wipe it out. Israel miraculously survived but Jordan illegally occupied the West Bank and East Jerusalem from 1949 to 1967. Not once during those 18 years was the topic of a Palestinian state or resettlement of refugees dealt with, many of whom were lured by the Arab nations to leave Palestine/Israel, while Israel asked them to stay.

o   Jordan and Israel signed a peace treaty in 1994 giving the West Bank and East Jerusalem to the State of Israel. (See more under “two state” solution.)

  • Calling for “the two-State solution for the achievement of a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in the Middle East.” The Palestinian National Charter, like this resolution, make unfounded claims that repeatedly deny the validity of Israel, Jews, and Zionism and calls for violence against the State of Israel. Many previous two-state proposals for Jews and Arabs have been put forth only to be repeatedly turned down by the PA. The only “lasting peace” they, and others are seeking, is one without Israel or the Jews, in other words, genocide. (“From the river to the sea, Palestine must be free – of Jews.”)
  • Other topics of the PA Resolution include calls for economic boycotts and diplomatic questioning whether Jerusalem is actually the capital of the Jewish State of Israel.

This resolution is, in effect, an official declaration of political, diplomatic, and economic war. How should the State of Israel respond to this astounding resolution that passed 124 to 14 with 43 abstaining. (Abstaining? The list of countries – many of whom one would think would be Israel’s friends - and their votes are very telling.)

Historically and rationally, nations at war have no direct relations on any level. Therefore, Israel as a declared enemy by the PA, should act accordingly and have nothing more to do with the PA directly. Here are some ideas for actions that Israel can take over the near term:

1.     No direct financial services. (Curiously, what is the currency of the PA? Yes, it’s the Israeli Shekel.)

2.     No direct trade or selling of any goods and services to the PA, including utilities.

3.     Due to the actions of their government, anyone with a PA identity card is persona non-grata. Therefore, no entry or transit thru Israel via land, air, or sea.

4.     Anyone qualifying under point #3 above (or any Arab Musim country national) moving goods into and/or through Israel cannot enter and must transfer the transport to a driver with an Israeli ID.

5.     Any country or company doing business with, or within Israel, accepts its sovereign borders, including the Temple Mount.

6.     Any foreign embassy not located in Israel’s capital city of Jerusalem should be lowered in status to a consulate.

The PA can easily and should turn to Jordan and their other brother Arab nations to supply them with goods and services currently being provided by their declared enemy, Israel.  

It should be noted that the PA was only able to introduce this September 2024 resolution because in June 2024 they were given full UN member status. 146 out of 193 UN members gave the coveted member status to a terrorist organization (PLO) who’s own Charter has not renounced terror.

To become a UN member the PA had to sign that they solemnly agreed to abide by the Charter of United Nations. Those ideals and purposes include: “…practice tolerance and live together in peace … maintain international peace and security…to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggressionsovereign equality.... refrain from the threat or use of force against the territorial integrity or political independence of any state… ensure that states which are not Members of the United Nations act in accordance with these Principles… A Member which has persistently violated the Principles contained in the present Charter may be expelled from the Organization…” (Author’s emphasis: italics.)

It should be remembered that any UN member that is an Islamic country might use taqiyya to justify signing on to the UN Charter, as a deception because aggressive world domination is their objective. Therefore, they all do not meet the qualifications for UN membership.

Where are the voices and protests of the non-Muslims member nations? The silence, acquiescence, and docile behavior unfortunately demonstrates the ineptitude, ineffectiveness, and immorality, of the UN as a worldwide unifying organization.


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